

My name is Ann Lambert,I am a photographer in the Blue Ridge,Ga. area. Have been for almost 20 years now.I do alittle bit of everything,but I love photographing people. I guess I am known best for photographing kids (babes - seniors). Another passion is horses. Love,Love,Love photographing horses.

I have also found setting up for our "Mini Sessions" has become quite a passion for myself and my assistant Jill,we love finding props and new locations for each theme. So I hope you will come to one or many or ALL of our "Mini Sessions"

We hope you stop by from time to time to see what specials we have going on and we hope to make alot of new friends.

Thanks, Ann and Jill

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

School Picture Day...Blue Ridge School Photography

Hello everyone, the pics are looking GREAT.... right this minute I cant see straight,I have looked at so many...but I will post a sneak peek tomorrow,so make sure you check back. Thanks again, I think everyone had a good time......
McKenzie,you were so much fun to photograph and you look beautiful.!!
Hope you had a great Birthday Party !!!!
Oh this was funny....At the end of the day..Jill discovered that a 20 dollar bill was floating in the creek,so as she stood on the edge saying over and over again,"we have to get that"...................well guess which part of the WE had to get that,yep yours truly,you would have thought we had lost a kid in the water the way we were so frantic about getting that 20 dollar bill......of course we were cracking up the whole time. What a sight !!! :)